Smart Start Baby - Music Classes for babies from 0 to 12 months
Rhythms and rhymes!
Learn some new lullabies, and have fun with your little one!
Small groups of max 5 babies and caregivers.
Smart Start: 0-12 Months
Exploring Together!
Each term is 14 weeks long.
(Babies 0-12 Months)
Weekly classes (14 sessions)
Wednesday mornings from 10:00 - 10:45 am
Instructor: Silvia Buttiglione
$350 per session (14 bilingual English/French classes)
Group lessons in Outremont
Parking is allowed on the street (Vignette n. 1) for up to two hours
450 metres from Metro Outremont
Children are naturally curious about music from a very early age, and the positive atmosphere of this class helps foster lifelong connections with music, builds strong parent-child emotional bonds, and provides a weekly forum for social interaction. The goal of this course is to expose you and your child to the basic concepts of music through sensory awareness and self-creation, with particular attention paid to beat, rhythm, and listening skills.
Infants are just beginning to explore the world around them, and that includes their musical world. Even before they are born, children can hear music all around them, and our classes start from the very beginning. In this class, you and your child will start to learn about the fundamentals of music through movement, singing, and play. The course is designed to foster basic cognitive skills through a musical framework, and to help parents and caregivers learn ways to interact with the child through music. A typical class begins with a greeting song, followed by gentle bouncing games, finger plays, movement, and many songs. The class concludes with lullabies or other songs for all to enjoy.
A parent or guardian accompanies their child for each class for the full session.
Learn some new lullabies, and have fun with your little one!
Small groups of max 5 babies and caregivers.
Smart Start: 0-12 Months
Exploring Together!
Each term is 14 weeks long.
(Babies 0-12 Months)
Weekly classes (14 sessions)
Wednesday mornings from 10:00 - 10:45 am
Instructor: Silvia Buttiglione
$350 per session (14 bilingual English/French classes)
Group lessons in Outremont
Parking is allowed on the street (Vignette n. 1) for up to two hours
450 metres from Metro Outremont
Children are naturally curious about music from a very early age, and the positive atmosphere of this class helps foster lifelong connections with music, builds strong parent-child emotional bonds, and provides a weekly forum for social interaction. The goal of this course is to expose you and your child to the basic concepts of music through sensory awareness and self-creation, with particular attention paid to beat, rhythm, and listening skills.
Infants are just beginning to explore the world around them, and that includes their musical world. Even before they are born, children can hear music all around them, and our classes start from the very beginning. In this class, you and your child will start to learn about the fundamentals of music through movement, singing, and play. The course is designed to foster basic cognitive skills through a musical framework, and to help parents and caregivers learn ways to interact with the child through music. A typical class begins with a greeting song, followed by gentle bouncing games, finger plays, movement, and many songs. The class concludes with lullabies or other songs for all to enjoy.
A parent or guardian accompanies their child for each class for the full session.
Fall term 2024 - Smart Start: Music Classes for Preschool-aged Children 3 Years
Sing & Dance!
Singing, dancing, playing games - children adore this active, play-based learning environment. In this class, children learn foundational musical skills such as tempo, meter, pitch, and dynamics.
Smart Start: 3 Years (Birth Year 2020)
Fall Term 2024
From September 10th to December 10th, 2024
11 am to 11:45 am
Instructor: Silvia Buttiglione
$350 per term (14 bilingual english/french classes)
Lessons in Outremont
Parking is allowed on the street for up to two hours
In this class, children learn foundational musical skills such as tempo, meter, pitch, and volume together through educational, movement-based games and multi arts activities.
By age 3, children are beginning to develop their singing voices, and as such, singing a wide range of songs is a vital component of the Smart Start curriculum. By age 3, children's basic cognitive skills are in place. Smart Start is designed to work with these cognitive skills through activities such as recognizing musical patterns, focusing on the most important aspects of music, and understanding connections across artistic representations. Children work in musical and artistic collaborations designed to foster basic musical knowledge and spur on individual and group creativity.
Socialization and personal growth are strengthened via group engagement. Many children are ready for an independent music class without their care provider at age three. Generally, we recommend a parent or caregiver attend for the first few classes, until the child is ready to attend class independently. This decision is individual and flexible.
Students are registered by age as of December 31.
Singing, dancing, playing games - children adore this active, play-based learning environment. In this class, children learn foundational musical skills such as tempo, meter, pitch, and dynamics.
Smart Start: 3 Years (Birth Year 2020)
Fall Term 2024
From September 10th to December 10th, 2024
11 am to 11:45 am
Instructor: Silvia Buttiglione
$350 per term (14 bilingual english/french classes)
Lessons in Outremont
Parking is allowed on the street for up to two hours
In this class, children learn foundational musical skills such as tempo, meter, pitch, and volume together through educational, movement-based games and multi arts activities.
By age 3, children are beginning to develop their singing voices, and as such, singing a wide range of songs is a vital component of the Smart Start curriculum. By age 3, children's basic cognitive skills are in place. Smart Start is designed to work with these cognitive skills through activities such as recognizing musical patterns, focusing on the most important aspects of music, and understanding connections across artistic representations. Children work in musical and artistic collaborations designed to foster basic musical knowledge and spur on individual and group creativity.
Socialization and personal growth are strengthened via group engagement. Many children are ready for an independent music class without their care provider at age three. Generally, we recommend a parent or caregiver attend for the first few classes, until the child is ready to attend class independently. This decision is individual and flexible.
Students are registered by age as of December 31.